Fujifilm Personal Photography & Alien Skin Exposure
Fujifilm Personal Photography & Alien Skin Exposure
As you may know, I'm a big fan of Alien Skin Exposure.
It's a tool I use a lot for both full edits and also if I just want to finish an image with a particular look. In this case, I have created a small slideshow of candid portraits of my little boy, Albie.
I was going to do a full video about the edit, but I've been under the weather this week.
So rather than leave a gap I decided to upload the photo film to my youtube channel, and here.
I promise I'll do a full video about Alien Skin Exposure editing once I'm back on my feet.
You'll need to watch the photofilm below, but for those that follow this blog, I've also included the still images below with EXIF data.
Fujifilm Personal Photography: The Photo Film
Alien Skin Exposure is a magnificent tool in my opinion. If you are not keen on the subscription model of Lightroom, or if you want to use it in conjunction with Lightroom. I think it's a piece of software that has to be on all my editing machines.
This Fujifilm Personal Photography project is essentially candid portraits over the last year of my little boy.
My daughter, of course, has had the hump since seeing this, so I'll need to do one for her soon too :-)
Essentially, these types of films are for my wife initially. But thereafter, they are for the kids and their kids' kids.
These are just snapshots, really, but I guess when the dust is long settled above me this kind of legacy will be important for our own personal family history.
Fujifilm Personal Photography: The Edit Style
By looking through this website, you are probably aware that I love gritty black and white images.
Whenever I run my photography workshops, I speak about how the look of an image, no matter how new it is, often drives nostalgic feelings.
I find it interesting, that often as photographers, we spend thousands on new digital cameras.We then try and process the images to look like they were taken on decades old film cameras.And I include myself in that analysis too of course.
In this case, I've processed the images using the Alien Skin Exposure Kodalith film type, with an additional amount of film grain added.
Kodalith is a high contrast film sometimes used to create art for backlit animation on an animation stand. – PrintWiki
One of the features that Alien Skin Exposure offers over Lightroom is its incredible selection of film simulations. Additionally, its beautiful tonal control of very film-like noise and grain. I simply can't get the same finish from an image in Lightroom.
Fujifilm Personal Photography: The Stills
fujifilm family photography alienskin exposure
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Fujifilm Personal Photography
Hopefully, you will have watched the film above first, but here are the stills fully edited.
They are a combination of my beloved X100F and X-Pro2 cameras along with a smattering of GFX 50S and GFX 50R photographs.
I hope you like them and I will get that editing video with Alien Skin Exposure done soon.