1,000 Frames with my Fuji X100F
This week was my little boy's birthday and another ideal day to use my Fuji X100F.
Six. I can't believe it. Crazy how time flies, but this is even more of a reminder to me that the most important things in life are often the things we take the most for granted and document less.
To photograph what is closest to you and the things that you enjoy and have an interest in. Make the whole process as fun and as least difficult as possible - Trent Parke
Armed with my Fuji X100F, we had a whirlwind 24 hours which I wanted to capture just a little bit differently from the normal way.
Thinking about the time I collated every frame from a wedding with my X-Pro2's I decided to try something similar for the day with the X100F.
A few things to note about the film below:
There are exactly 1,000 frames in this collection.
I shot RAW+JPEG (which I found myself amazed at how the buffer coped with this).
I shot to a 256GB Sandisk memory card.
Everything was spot metered.
Everything was shot using CH (High).
A majority of the images were shot with the ND filter activated.
I've talked before about how changing to mirrorless cameras enabled me to really start documenting my family and life around me more.
I'm not sure whether I'd have done this with a DSLR, or even, to be honest, with an X-Pro2. This is a day trip with my kids and my wife, the X100F sitting in my pocket and pulled out when needed. Perfect.
So, here is the clip. 1,000 frames shot with a Fuji X100F. A day in the life of me, so to speak. I hope you enjoy it (best with sound):
I hope you enjoyed it, but let's be honest, there isn't too much art in these images. If you stop the sequence at any point you'll likely fall on a benign image.
However, the collective parts, together make me smile so much.
There was no effort involved in making this, but there was bucket loads of love involved.
I can't really explain how I'm so drawn to the simplicity, tactility and smallness of the Fuji X100F and the X70 too for my personal images.
Part of what I try and do is make my children interested in photography too. Well, at least interested in the importance of history, of which photography is our vehicle.
Rosa has my X30 camera which she likes using, and Albie had about ten minutes with my Fuji X100F on his birthday. He took some nice snaps actually, and it's very interesting how I thought Albie was drawn to photographing people, whereas Rosa is much keener on shooting flowers and close up things.
I think making photography fun for my kids is as important as it is for making it fun for me.
I know a lot of people are still waiting for their X100Fs to arrive. For me, this little video (from a technical perspective), tells me that the Fuji X100F is a remarkably quick camera to work with. It's got strong bones, that camera....and the AF is rocket fast.
And because I'm a monochrome, junky, here are a few of my favourite stills from the collection (but please watch the photo film above too):
fujifilm x100f speed shooting
fujifilm x100f speed shooting
fujifilm x100f speed shooting
fujifilm x100f speed shooting
fujifilm x100f speed shooting
fujifilm x100f speed shooting
I’m also running two photography workshops in Lausanne, Switzerland in conjunction with Fujifilm Switzerland this weekend. There is still spaces available on Sunday. Saturday is all sold out.
Happy Snapping – Kevin (in my Studio in Malmesbury, listening to Live from South Africa, Mumford & Sons))