Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review
Hello everybody and welcome back to my F16.Click website and my Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review.
I know, I know, it's been something like six months since I last posted but that's the life of a professional wedding photographer I guess.
I promise, though, once the X-Weddings conference is done - you have got a ticket the conference right?, I'll be putting a lot more effort into the channel.
Fujifilm UK will be at the conference where you will be able to get hands on with the new Fujifilm X-Pro3.
Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review
So, if you are in the Fujifilm world, and unless you've been living under a rock, you'll know that today marks the announcement of the, in my case at least, much-awaited Fujifilm X-Pro3.
fujifilm x-pro3 review
Now those of you who know me, know that I have been a lover of the Rangefinder-style cameras since the very first X100 back in 2011 or so.
The X-Pro1 was the first of the Fujifilm cameras that fully enabled me to move across to mirrorless and without a doubt, I can say that that move changed my career, and perhaps, even saved it.
As is the norm, these days, the bulk of my Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review is in the following YouTube video.
You can read more below but don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel if you are so inclined:
Fujifilm X-Pro3 Finish & Dimensions
X-Pro3 |
X-Pro2 |
X-Pro1 |
Material |
Titanium (top/bottom) Magnesium (body) |
Magnesium |
Magnesium |
Finish |
Black DURA Black DURA Silver |
Black |
Black |
Dimensions |
W 140.5mm |
W 140.5mm |
W 139.5mm |
Weight |
445g |
445g |
400g |
Weather |
Yes |
Yes |
- |
Here is a little history lesson….
With the introduction of the X-T range, Fuji, cleverly, gave us all a choice.
Those that wanted DSLR style features had the X-T and those of us who preferred the rangefinder-style had the X-Pro, X100 and to a certain extent the X-E range too.
The X-Pro1 came before the X-T1, the X-Pro2 came before the X-T2 but then the difference got skewed when the X-T3 was announced and released way before the X-Pro3.
This confused some, myself included, and it wasn't until I was invited to Tokyo and Dubai to help with some of the decision making with the X-Pro3 did I realise what Fujifilm was doing.
With the X-Pro3, I think it's fair to say that Fujifilm has made a camera that is brave, that is enigmatic and one that, I feel, gives the photographer back control of their art.
As you will see further in my Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review, what I feel they have done is further separated the X-Pro and the X-T range in terms of styling and functionality to give us, perhaps, even more, choice when choosing a camera.
As a professional photographer, I absolutely have to have more than one camera, but I realise for a vast majority of people, that's not the case.
fujifilm x-pro3 review
One camera to beat them all?
For most of you, the decision to buy or upgrade a camera is a big decision, and whilst cameras are nowhere near as expensive as they once were, given the tech in them, you are likely to only need one camera - unless you are a pro.
To that end, with this Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review, I'm going to try and outline the X-Pro3 from the perspective of those who are looking to upgrade from the X-Pro2 or who are simply in the market for a new camera.
Fujifilm X-T3 in an X-Pro3 Body? Not quite...
The fact is, the sensor and a vast majority of the functionality in the X-Pro3 is the same as that found in the X-T3.
It makes no sense in me going over all of those features in this Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review as you can see that in my X-T3 overview video but there are some neat new things in the X-Pro3 that I think you'll love - especially if you are an existing X-Pro2 user.
[alert type=white ]There are also a couple of things that are certainly contentious decisions, but, as I said, I think given the market place this camera has become more niche, but and this is the big but……. the X-Pro3 is such a beautifully crafted machine that it is an absolute pleasure to use.[/alert]
Now, of course, you'll know that I am a Fujifilm ambassador and that gives me certain privileges (like hands-on with pre-production cameras etc).
However, what is not required of me as an ambassador in this Fujifilm X-Pro3 review (or any review) is to simply toe the line.
As always, I'll be honest about the X-Pro3 and I'll discuss the features I like, and the features I don't like, of which there are some.
Nobody at Fujifilm tells me what to say and that's a great way to have this relationship.
Hopefully, you know that integrity is one of my core principles and whilst being an ambassador is something I enjoy and I get a lot from, its also hard work.
By that, I don't just mean it's hard work making these films, or keeping my this website online (which costs several hundred pounds a month to host) but hard work in regard to the behind-the-scenes stuff that you don't see.
Late nights testing firmware, product feedback and meetings, writing this Fujifilm X-Pro3 review and collating as much information from the industry as possible to help make the cameras better as we go forward.
X-Pro3 v X-T3
So, as I mentioned in my X-T3 video, I really don't care much for the X-T range.
I mean, I don't like the form factor.
I don't get pleasure from using the X-T cameras like I do the X-Pro and X100 cameras.
Because of the change in the release cycle, I chose to purchase and X-T3 because, quite frankly, the technology and sensor in that camera were hands down much much better than the X-Pro2's that I was using.
So, for the last year or so, I've been shooting my work with an X-Pro2 and an X-T3.
The X-T3 is incredible and a vast majority of my shots are taken on that camera.
Not because I like it better than the X-Pro2, but because the camera is better.
Now, the X-Pro3 is here and I adore the fact that my own personal passion for a camera, with the latest sensor and AF speed etc is back.
Before we dig deeper into the new camera though, it's worth saying that this is really my own personal statement.
Really, if you already have an X-T3 and you enjoy the X-T3 (the keyword there being enjoy) then you'll likely have no need for an X-Pro3.
However, if you love the style and ergonomics of the X-Pro range, then the X-Pro3 is essentially a mammoth beast of technology in a beautifully designed chassis.
The Hidden LCD
Let's start with the elephant in the room.
The Hidden LCD as Fujifilm calls it.
Now, I want to be totally transparent and say that when we were discussing the options for the LCD on the X-Pro3 my preference was to leave it as it was.
fujifilm x-pro3 review
I didn't particularly care for a tilting screen at all and still, my personal choice would be for the X-Pro, X-E and X100 cameras to NOT have a tilting screen.
However, the market has been calling for a tilt screen and it would be churlish of me to assume that my personal preference was more important than market forces and so, for the first time, the X-Pro3 has a tilting screen.
The screen is one-way tilting and you can only see the LCD when you reveal it.
It does tilt to 180 degrees which I found allowed for shooting overhead etc pretty easy.
The fact you can't see the LCD when it's closed is both interesting and understandable.
It's understandable given Fujifilm are truly trying to give photographers something that allows us to go back to raw photography.
As you'll work out during this Fujifilm X-Pro3 review, viewfinder shooting is almost inevitable with the X-Pro3, but then, as I analyse how I used the X-Pro2, that also was almost always with the viewfinder.
I like the idea, but I do wish the tilt screen was similar to the one announced in the X-A7. Fully articulated to allow for front and side facing LCD.
But it is what it is, and, as I said, it certainly makes me shoot more cohesively.
Of course, the LCD is a touch screen and for those who will find moving through the menus awkward in the viewfinder, I found whipping between the menus using the touch screen on the LCD a breeze.
The Joystick, Touch Screen and Sub Monitor
That kind of brings this Fujifilm X-Pro3 review onto one of the other contentions decisions to remove the D-Pad.
Initially, I missed it, but then, after getting more used to the joystick and understanding how easy it is to move between the menus with my fingers, I stopped missing it.
The inclusion of the Joystick and the touch screen increased the Function Button options from Seven to Eight too which is always handy.
When the LCD is fully retracted, you'll have access to what is called the Sub-Monitor.
Sub Monitor
This is a small LCD on the back of the camera that can either show your current film simulation, or your current shooting settings.
I immediately changed mine to show shooting settings.
I always know which film simulation I'm in, but it is a nice touch from an aesthetic point of view that harks back to old film cameras where you can see the film stock in the window.
The sub monitor is always on and when the camera is off will show you basic details such as shots left on the card and battery level - which is nice.
I do wish, however, that the sub monitor was backlit as I found it challenging to see in low light.
That aside, the X-Pro3 is a simply adorable camera to operate and look at.
It's got solid, milled dials that are wonderfully tactile.
Titanium Build
The top plate is made from titanium which not only means it won't scratch (unlike my X70!) but has a very premium look and feels about it.
Honestly, I'm not one that goes in for how cameras look.
I'm happy with black cameras that are functional but lovely to use - but this is something else.
[alert type=white ]I feel that people who buy the X-Pro3 will be getting a camera that may be passed down to your kids and grandkids - like so many of us have old cameras from our folks.[/alert]
It really is beautiful and I think the marketing message from Fujifilm of it being a "photographers camera" is spot on.
fujifilm x-pro3 review
Ergonomically it's very similar to the X-Pro2 but the grip is slightly larger which is something that a lot of us had hoped for.
It feels lovely in the hands - especially with the F2 lenses attached.
Classic Neg Film Simulation
Now, one of the brand new features in the X-Pro3 that isn't available in any of the other cameras is the new film simulation which is somewhat cryptically called "Classic Neg".
To me, it looks a lot like Superia film but what I can say, is that this is by far my new favourite colour film simulation in Fujifilm cameras.
fujifilm x-pro3 review
fujifilm x-pro3 review
fujifilm x-pro3 review
fujifilm x-pro3 review
fujifilm x-pro3 review
fujifilm x-pro3 review
Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review
Fuji X-Pro3 Review
Fuji X-Pro3 Review
There are a couple of new JPEG settings, namely, Colour Chrome Effect and Colour Chrome FX Blue which work nicely with this film simulation.
I feel it's the most filmic of the film simulations on offer and is probably more faithful to film photography than any of the presets or filters that I've found outside of the camera.
It's a really lush, deep, film simulation that I really enjoyed using.
8 & 16 Bit Tiff Output
A quick point of note here is that you can also use the Raw Processing engine in the camera to save 8 or 16-bit tiffs.
This is going to be very useful for those that need to get these files to agencies while out in the field.
The monochrome shooters, such as me, will also like the Monochromatic Colour option.
Advanced JPEG Editing
Seems like an odd name "Monochromatic Colour" - but it's neat.
It builds on the feature in the X-T3 and allows you to take a much more granular approach to warming up or tinting your monochrome images.
As you know, I love to warm up my mono images and I've been playing with this feature a lot to emulate what I normally need to rely on Lightroom to produce.
Oh, on the point of custom settings, by the way, it's nice to see that you can now set RAW/JPEG in those custom settings which is a nice touch.
In addition to the new film simulation, you can now control the tone curve in the camera with a snazzy new graphic that emulates the tone curve you might be used to seeing in things like Lightroom or Capture One.
Additionally, we have the clarity control which I find works best on level one for clean images.
The higher levels are a little aggressive but it's good that we can choose this in the jpeg camera editor now.
Fujifilm X-Pro3 Film Simulations and In-Camera Processing
X-Pro3 |
X-Pro2 |
X-Pro1 |
Colour |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Velvia |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
CLASSIC Chrome |
✓ |
✓ |
- |
Pro Neg. Hi |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Pro Neg. Std |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
- |
- |
✓ |
- |
- |
B&W |
✓ |
✓ |
- |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Monochromatic CL |
✓ |
- |
- |
Color Chrome FX |
✓ |
- |
- |
Color Chrome Blue |
✓ |
- |
- |
Grain Effect |
Rough/Size |
Roughness |
- |
Clarity |
±5 |
- |
- |
TIFF output |
8/16bit |
- |
- |
Autofocus Improvements
The new autofocus technology in the X-Trans 4 sensor won't be new to those that use the X-T3, but for those used to the X-Pro2 then you'll notice a huge improvement here.
The AF speed and acquisition are phenomenal and a real step up over the previous camera.
It's nice to see that in the AF-C Custom settings we now also get the sixth option, which allows us to set our own pre-defined AF-C custom attributes.
There a few subtle changes that may not at first be apparent, but of which I think are really quite useful.
For example, we now have a yellow overlay in focus peak highlighting.
This is really cool especially for those of us who like to shoot in black and white.
The sensor is, of course, the new 26-megapixel X-Trans 4 which gives us 425 focus points of which I presume are all phase-detection points too.
That's actually very useful for reportage shooters who are used to shifting the focus point around the screen a lot.
The sensor also allows for us to shoot up to a crazy 30fps in the cropped sports finder mode or 20fps in uncropped mode.
That's a lot of frames per second and you can even use the pre-shot feature to allow the camera to start shooting even before you think you need to!
Autofocus Range Limiter & Multiple Exposures
One thing that many street photographers will be very pleased about is the new AF Range Limiter.
This essentially lets you set the range of AF for the attached lens allowing you to zone focus and shoot much quicker.
In the camera, there are two presets, 2m to infinity and 5m to infinity.
You can also set your own custom distances too.
For wandering the streets and concentrating on storytelling, composition etc, this is going to be a real bonus for us street photographers.
Fujifilm X-Pro3 Key Specifications
X-Pro3 |
X-Pro2 |
X-Pro1 |
Sensor |
X-Trans IV |
X-Trans III |
X-Trans |
26MP |
24MP |
16MP |
ISO160-12800 |
ISO200-12800 |
ISO200-6400 |
L 100, H 51200 |
L 100, H 51200 |
L100, H25600 |
Processor |
X-Processor 4 |
X-Processor Pro |
EXR Processor Pro |
Shutter Lag |
0.045 sec (MS) |
0.05 sec |
0.05 sec |
Burst Shoot |
3 - 11fps (MS) |
3 - 8 fps (MS/ES) |
3 -6 fps (MS) |
AF |
EV -6 |
EV -3 |
EV -1 |
AF Range Limit |
✓ |
- |
- |
In Camera HDR |
✓ |
Multi Exposure |
2 - 9 shots |
2 shots |
2 shots |
Focus Bracket |
✓ |
- |
- |
Movie |
DCI 29.97p15min. |
4K 29.97p 10min. |
HD 24p 29min. |
Battery Life |
370frames (EVF) |
280frames (EVF) |
300frames (EVF) |
You also get focus bracketing and the new multi-exposure mode which allows for up to 9 frames - the X-Pro2 allowed for two.
Personally, I don't really do multiple exposures but you can combine the images in-camera using an additive or lighter darker processing etc.
I actually know a lot of people who wanted this and believe it or not, this was a hot topic for discussion at the meetings.
I think we'll see some very creative images made in-camera with this setting.
EVF & OVF Enhancements
In terms of the EVF and, indeed the OVF, there have been some substantial improvements over the X-Pro2 and whilst I love the X-Pro2, it was sometimes tiring on the eyes when looking through the viewfinder for long periods of time.
X-Pro3 |
X-Pro2 |
X-Pro1 |
Magnification |
x0.52 |
x0.36 |
x0.37 |
Eye point |
17mm |
16mm |
14mm |
Capture Area |
95% |
92% |
90% |
Horizontal |
27° |
24.4° |
24.4° |
Diopter Adj |
-4 〜 +2 |
-4 〜 +2 |
- |
Panel |
0.50” OLED |
0.48” TFT |
0.47” TFT |
Resolution |
3.69 mil |
2.36 mil |
1.44 mil |
Contrast |
1:5000 |
1:300 |
1:300 |
Colour space |
97% |
92% |
92% |
Brightness |
800cd |
400cd |
250cd |
Frame rate |
100fps |
86fps |
60fps |
Main LCD |
1.62 mil Touch Screen |
1.62 mil |
1.23 mil |
Sub LCD |
Yes |
- |
- |
The OVF, for those that still use it, is brighter and noticeably bigger.
The magnification of 0.52 makes it a much more pleasureable experience.
Couple the Optical View Finder with the AF Range Limiter and you've got an wickidly fast camera for street photography.
The EVF is also much improved over the X-Pro2.
The panel is bigger, the resolution and contrast higher and the refresh speed much fast too.
As I mentioned earlier in this Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review, because of the hidden LCD, you will likely find yourself in the EVF/OVF a lot and one of the key requests from us was that if that was the case, the EVF and OVF need to be places of great improvement and I think Fujifilm has delivered on that in almost tangible measures.
Making Movies with the Fuji X-Pro3?
Those that want to film with the camera also have a majority of the new filming options that are in the X-T3. 4K shooting, custom settings, internal log recording etc.
However, there is no HDMI out which probably means, for me at least, any serious filming will be done on the X-T3 - the X-Pro3 is a very valid B-Camera though.
Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review Summary
So that's my Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review.
What do you think? Any questions, leave them below and I'll answer as best I can.
I've been using this prototype now for a few months and I have to say.
And I say this in all honesty, hand on heart stuff, that the X-Pro3 is a beautiful, fun and joyous camera to use.
Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review
You've probably worked out during this Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review that It's head and shoulders more my type of camera than the X-T3.
But that really is a stylistic choice.
Your mileage may vary and you'll definitely have to make your own mind up on the LCD thing.
I think it's worked for what it's meant to achieve - and that is to allow us to get back to the art form of photography.
For others, though, the lack of flat rear LCD may be a step too far.
I do think though, those that are looking for a durable, fast, beautiful camera will absolutely love the Fujifilm X-Pro3.
That's it. My Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review is done.
Hopefully, I'll see some of you at the X-Weddings conference, oh and don't forget the podcast I do with my good friend Neale, The Fujicast.
If you are in the UK, you can Order the Fujifilm X-Pro3 now from WEX Photo.
Until next time my friends, I hope you enjoyed my Fujifilm X-Pro3 Review and happy snapping…..